All the letters in your text have been converted to capital letters! Excel will automatically detect your previous input pattern and apply it to the rest of your text. Then, press the Ctrl + E buttons on your keyboard simultaneously. After that, move your cursor to the next cell in that column besides your text. Rewrite your first text by changing all of its letters into capital besides the actual text cell. The way to use flash fill for this is as follows. Here, we use flash fill to detect our pattern to convert small letters into large letters in our text. If you don’t want your UPPER results anymore after using paste special, delete them from your worksheetįlash fill is a great feature to fill a cell range based on the pattern it detects in your previous input. Choose Paste Values.Īll the letters in your original text have been converted to capital letters! There will be choices shown as you can see in the screenshot below. Then, click the Paste button dropdown in the Home tab. Then, move your cell cursor to the first cell of where your text is. It is a symbol that your copy mode is active. There will be dotted lines around your cell like the following. You can activate the mode by pressing Ctrl + C (Command + C in Mac) after highlighting all the cells containing your UPPERs. The way to use this feature is by activating the copy mode first on the cells where your UPPER formulas are. If you want your letters to become capital in their cells directly, not in different cells, then just use paste special. You will immediately get the result of all your text letters capitalization! After that, copy your UPPER formula into all the rows of your text data. Pretty easy, right? If your text data is in one column like in the example, then just type UPPER for one of them. To deepen your understanding of this UPPER formula usage, here is an example of its implementation and result in excel. UPPER will then immediately convert the text letters into capital letters! Check it out here.UPPER just needs one input, which is the text you want to convert the letters from into capital letters. There is an online service available to convert any text strings to all capitals (uppercase) or small letters (lowercase).
This will help to avoid copying any Richtext text decorations from word. The text will now look like this:Īntivirus, Antispyware, Antirootkit, Anti-Phishing, Firewall, Antispam, Parental ControlĬopy paste it into Notepad and copy from there for using it in your blog. Just tap the Shift + F3 key combination again. Now if you wish to use it as a Title with the first letters of all the Words to be Capitals then you can do it as well.
The text should look like this:Īntivirus, antispyware, antirootkit, anti-phishing, firewall, antispam, parental controlģ.
Bingo! your ALL CAPS text is converted into small letters.
#How to do large and small caps in word mac full
Copy paste this in to MS Word and select the full string. Allright, all you need is MS Office and a keyboard!ĪNTIVIRUS, ANTISPYWARE,ANTIROOTKIT,ANTI-PHISHING, FIREWALL, ANTISPAM, PARENTAL CONTROLĢ. There is a very simple way to convert an ALL CAPITAL text string or paragraph to small letters / lowercase letters.